Logbook entry

Entry 13 - Facing the Abyss

15 Sep 2022miamijuggler
Not a ton of progress to report recently.

After making it to the most recent waypoint, my nav computer said that I was less than 10,000 Ly away from Beagle Point. Which meant that theoretically, it should be within the capabilities of the nav computer to chart a course directly to Beagle Point. However, when I actually tried, it kept failing to chart an actual course.

My best guess is that trying to find a way through the Abyss is what's tripping up the computer.

On the way to the most recent waypoint, I noticed the route planning wandering a quite a bit from the "straight line" route, which to me suggests a significant drop in star density. I can only imagine it's going to get worse before it gets better.

So like I said at the beginning, due to the drop in star density, I haven't made a great deal of progress. Mainly I'm updating this log as a matter of habit, and to note that on this particular day, I stopped to make camp in Byeia Bre QY-I d9-11.

Didn't have it in me to take any pics, so I'm afraid this is a text-only log. Till next time.
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