Logbook entry

Entry 14 - Beagle Point... and Beyond!

19 Sep 2022miamijuggler
So... I made it!

After some weeks of blank space and so deep in the routine of jump-honk-scoop-scan-map that I almost have no memory of it, I looked up to see the next jump en route was Beagle Point.

I almost held my breath as the Frame Shift Drive spooled up and launched me across the final few light years, breathing a deep sigh of relief when the Galaxy Song dropped into the Beagle Point system. Looking at the system scanner, there did seem to be some significant activity in the system. I noticed a few fleet carriers stationed out at this far end of the galaxy, no doubt to offer some comfort and logistical support to weary explorers like myself. I was also surprised to find a pair of tourist cruisers making their slow, luxuriant passes around the system. I can't imagine what those fares must have cost from the Bubble.

In any case, I stopped at a carrier for repairs, fuel, and restocking. I didn't bother repairing the paint, since it'll likely just get dinged up again on the way back to the Bubble. In any case, it was lovely to be able to walk around and explore a new interior space. As cozy as the Song is, the novelty has long worn off after looking at it for weeks now. I grabbed a coffee at the bar and chatted with the crew before the restock and repair operations were complete and it was time to go again.

I found a suitable campsite on one of the system's rocky bodies, and set down for the night.

I took kitty out for a walk on the surface, which turned out to be a bit challenging, since kitty refused to touch the ground, and instead insisted on hovering above it while angrily crushing rocks with one of her tails. I eventually started to make a game of it, tossing small pebbles for her to destroy in mid-air. This seemed to placate and entertain her, however, the novelty wore off after about fifteen minutes, and kitty made it clear she wanted to go back inside.

I'll probably take a few days to rest here; after coming all this way, why not enjoy my stay a bit? Once I'm rested though, I'll make the trip to Salome's Reach before coming back to Beagle Point and beginning the journey back to Sagittarius A*. I look forward to posting another log entry from the furthest system currently reachable without a fleet carrier.
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︎1 Shiny!
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