Logbook entry

Of Ravens, War, and Bugs

30 Aug 2022SpeedsMcRonalds
Another day, another batch of wars fought and won. It's good money, hovering at the Imperial border and keeping them from pushing too hard. And it's definitely a source of satisfaction too, even if the Empire probably want my head on a silver platter. But right now I can't keep my mind focused on them, instead I keep going back to the same worries over and over; The Thargoids. The damn bugs that seem to be tougher to kill than your average Commander, and a lot meaner too. Me and the squad saw our share of fighting in HIP like everyone else, even managed to take down a Hydra with plenty of backup from other fighters.

But now, after Salvation's hair-brained scheme predictably blew up in his face (and ours too) and he seems to be dead and gone? Those space-flowers keep popping up in my dreams, especially since I killed a fair few of them. I'm pretty sure they've got my number, not that I'm the only one of course but now that they're pushing into the Bubble? Well, I've got my eye over my shoulder even more than I usually do now, for sure. The Alliance are building those megaships, which should help, but... Well, I saw the wreckage of the Sentinel. The Audacious Dream. All of those massive ships that cost skies only know how much, wiped out like nothing.

I don't know. I'm confident, you have to be in this line of work. But I have to admit that I'm scared, I've seen the devastation these bugs can bring first-hand. I watched people die in droves fighting Interceptors, even your average Cyclops is going to eviscerate someone in a bog-standard ship not tailor-made to trash xenos. And they're pushing on us. Makes me wonder if we made the right choice, but no point in lingering on what-ifs and could-have-beens. Now?

... Well now, we just need to hope we can last. Grizzly Squad is going to fight to the bitter end, no matter what.
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