Logbook entry

Tekkeitjal - Raven's Log

16 Sep 2022SpeedsMcRonalds
Tekkeitjal. Closest place to home that's being invaded by the 'Goids. I fought in HIP 22460, I saw how bad things were getting firsthand. Took out plenty of Interceptors, even helped take down a Hydra by the skin of our teeth and just barely managed to limp away with my ship and my life. I thought it would all be over after Salvation's big weapon went off, but here we are. Skies only know how many people we lost, the Imperials have run with their tails between their legs to hide in their own space, and now the bugs are pushing into our space. And that doesn't even mention the "Stargoid" we've all been freaking out over, I saw it myself and I felt fear like I've never felt before. Right down to my bones, it felt colder than the iciest rock I've ever walked on.

And now? The Federation has sent in some of our best ships, thankfully. But it doesn't seem like it's doing much, if anything it feels like it's gotten worse. I moved in to support the FNS Shannon with some other folks from Grizzly, did the usual. Wiped out some Scouts, took on a Cyclops, but... Then I found myself staring down the petals of a Basilisk and a Medusa. Tried my best, took a few hearts off the Basilisk, but when you've got that kind of firepower on you... You just run. You can't do anything else, I'm not about to lose the Problem Causer and jet out in a pod just to get carried off to who-knows-where by a Thargoid. I was hoping the Alliance would send in those new AX megaships we helped build for support but they either aren't ready yet, or Mahon isn't willing to risk them this early in the conflict.

I don't know, Eden. I know you're just a COVAS but you gotta be able to tell how scared I am. I mean I've fought for a while now. Started with the Pilot's Fed thanks to ma and da's connections with the Federation. Seen my fair share of pirate lords and plenty of Thargos, but this time feels different. We're not just a thorn in their side anymore to swat away whenever we get a bit annoying. I think Salvation screwed us all over big time, because after his fancy weapon went off they've been angry. I think this time?

This time we have their full attention. For now I'm pulling back to the Bubble, there are some fires that need to be put out here, because of course people can't just leave well enough alone and work together. But I'm keeping my eye on the fringes, because the bugs are coming in full force.
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