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The True Chapter - Raven's Log

04 Oct 2022SpeedsMcRonalds
This hasn't been a great week, Eden. I'm not feeling my best, at least mentally. This whole war against the 'Goids has been cut and dry so far; They started killing people, so me and a bunch of other Commanders got involved to try to get the bugs out of our hair and help Salvation push them away from human space. Well, we all know how that went, but it was still the same MO after the fact to defend human lives and try to keep people safe. But lately, my faith in the Federation has shaken a bit. I know they're not perfect, nobody is, but they're the ones that helped get me my new body parts and my spot in the Pilot's Federation. I owe them a lot, but lately...

This whole ordeal with the cultists. It's a lot less cut-and-dry than killing xenos, or taking down criminal scum. The Workers of Popontia Free never did anything to me nor are they a band of brigands; They're just a small faction out in the expanse of the Black, making their own way. And their own way just so happened to intersect with backing up these "True Chapter" wingnuts. I don't feel good about fighting them, not at all, but the cult didn't cede to a Federal search. We can't just let them go about worshipping the species trying to wipe us off the face of the galaxy without a bit of suspicion, can we? They might be a threat, especially with the pro-xeno terrorists that have cropped up since things kicked off in HIP 22460.

But, instead of just letting the Feds seize the ship and search it, they turned this into a battle. And instead of fighting their own battle, they dragged the local yokels into things and made it into a bloodbath. If they didn't have anything to hide, they should have just ceded to the Federal agents and things would have blown over in a week or two... Or at least, that's what I keep telling myself so I can sleep at night, but to be honest? I don't know if this is the right thing to do, these people do have a right to their beliefs. But when their beliefs involve possible sabotage, maybe betraying our entire race?

I don't know. The Federation doesn't always make supporting them easy, Hudson is certainly a tough bastard with a heavy hand. But this... This is different.

I just hope it works out. And that I'm making the right call.
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