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Xeno Diplomacy - Raven's Log

17 Oct 2022SpeedsMcRonalds
Dalton Chase. Not a name I've seen come across my screens very often, just a governor from some place I've probably flown through a thousand times without even thinking about it... But now the guy's in every GalNet broadcast this week, along with every screamsheet and tabloid rag that can shove him onto their front pages, and honestly the guy's earned it. Ballsy move to start proposing we try to communicate with the Thargoids after everything that's happened, but with how everything has gone? With the people we've lost, the never-ending stream of 'Goids... Especially now, it seems like people aren't picking up on it, but these last few "attacks" aren't attacks at all, at least not ones wholly focused on aggression. No, no.

These attacks are tests. They're probing our defenses, checking us out. Seeing what our strategies are, how we're armed, how we respond to incursion... These bugs are smart, they're not just dumb monsters floating around in space, they're as smart as we are- No. No they're smarter than us, I mean they managed to wipe out the Guardians who-knows-how long ago and now we're smack dab in their crosshairs. And on top of all of this, Azimuth are- I can barely believe the crap I've seen on the news. I mean I get it, megacorporations aren't exactly morally squeaky clean. But human experimentation? Trying to wire people up to Thargoid ships to fly them?

Seo Jin-ae is being protected, and she can speak their language. Or at least she understood that roar... Skies above, the roar, I still hear it in my nightmares sometimes when I manage to get some sleep. Hard thing, sleeping these days, every time I close my eyes I see giant space flowers- And now I'm totally off topic, Hells... Eden, I'm losing it. This stress is insane, knowing just how screwed we are if we don't find a way to turn the tides in this whole thing. I've been killing these bugs for months now, telling myself I'm saving humanity, but... But what if I've been dooming us this entire time? Me and all the other Commanders out there taking it to the 'Goids.

I... I don't know. I don't know anymore, what can I do? I can't just sit by, watch them kill people, push into the Bubble. If this Jin-ae girl can talk to them, if she can be kept out of Azimuth's clutches and do... Something, talk to these things and try to find a way to end this all without it turning into another galaxy-wide war of superpowers. Skies, listen to me, I'm sitting here proposing diplomacy with the xenos. But at this point it's looking like the only way out with humanity intact and still surviving out here in the Black.

I need to get some sleep. G'night Eden, make sure to categorize this with the rest of my logs. And... Send a message to my parents. Tell them I love them, and that I'll visit more once this is all over... If I make it that far.
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