Logbook entry

Azimuth Resurgence & The Approaching Thargoids - Raven's Log

17 Nov 2022SpeedsMcRonalds
Skies. Eden, this is- I don't even know anymore. It used to be so simple: Kill the bugs, save humanity. But now we're fighting each other, not even trying to work together anymore, and the worst part is I don't even feel like I can make the right choices anymore. After everything we've learned- Everything I've learned about Azimuth, all the awful shit they've done that's surfaced... Seo Jin-ae and everything around her, it's just too much to let me support them. So I wound up throwing my hat in with a bunch of anarchists, people I'd usually be tracking down and blowing out of the black for the Federation. I suppose a cause brings all kinds of characters together, and the Wandrama Purple Council didn't seem to hold any contempt for me despite my background. But it doesn't even seem like we managed to do much more than slightly slow them down.

I helped the bug-lovers with their "megaship of peace" and now I'm fighting Azimuth. How the tables turn... But at the end of the day I have to keep doing what I think is right, and I think with eight Skies-know-what flying towards us, and with all of the readings and theories the eggheads are throwing around... Well, the others in Grizzly Squadron are spooked for sure, and whispers are flying around in the AXI channels about "Thargoids Titans." Something about these rogue signal sources, they're probably hive ships of some kind but they could be even worse. Every system they fly through, not a peep comes out and then when we go investigate? Dead ships and destruction in the wake of these fucking things, so whatever they are... They're not playing around.

Eden... Thanks for getting that message to my parents. Glad that they're doing okay, and I can't blame them at all for worrying about me with everything going down. At least if I die, I know they're proud of me in the end... Plus I can have all my assets liquidated and funneled to their accounts, they deserve it after everything I put them through. And what I'm putting them through now. Make sure my will is up to date, and set up the transfers in case I'm lost out in the black. And set a course for the Coalsack Nebula. I have a feeling with the 'Goids lingering there, something is coming, and I want to be there when it arrives.
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