Logbook entry

Pushing Back - Raven's Log

14 Dec 2022SpeedsMcRonalds
I can't believe it, Eden. We did it, we seriously did it. Pushed them out, pushed them back... At least a little bit. We've got a long way to go, a lot of fighting to do, but we can beat the bastards. The bugs nearly burned HIP 23716 to cinders, but we managed to get them out and keep Wakata standing on its last leg and completely shoved their first assault out of 20485. Defenses held, assaults pushed, and even though we lost some good people we managed to put down thousands- Hell, hundreds of thousands of them. Plus, with the engineers putting out these upgraded AX weapons, we're getting newer, fresher blood into the fight that don't need to drop an arm and a leg on Guardian tech just to stand a chance. Seeing their Challengers and their Kraits putting out rounds into those hearts was a sight to behold, beautiful.

God, I feel old. I've only been at this a couple of years now but it feels like decades. But I managed to get sleep last night, real sleep this time. Not from pills or just sorta conking out where I sit down, actual sleep in a bed. Felt amazing, and I feel rejuvenated. Ready. Prepared, even! And with the 'Goids spreading out their front without upping their flow of troops we're seeing easier progress on our side, slower on theirs. It's still scary as hell, don't get me wrong, but now at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel for us. It's gonna be a long, hard fight, but AXI and Grizzly are ready to go all the same.

We're gonna give 'em hell alright. Show them that when push comes to shove, no matter who was in the wrong... We're not gonna let civvies burn for the mistakes of the past.
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︎2 Shiny!
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