Logbook entry

Saving Lives - Raven's Log

04 Jan 2023SpeedsMcRonalds
Been busy. Real busy, Eden. AXI has us running a lot of interference, clearing out systems under alert for Thargoid incursion. I spent some time hunting down the 'Goids floating around, but honestly they're a pain to track, way worse than a typical human bounty target; Don't tend to leave much of a trail until they start shooting, the 'Goids. So I got my hands on another 'Vette and fitted it out to run rescue ops. The FNS Winters, gotta say I've got a fondness for the Shadow President, I like her a hell of a lot more than I like Hudson for sure, but I'm not here to chat about politics- Er, at least not in this regard. I've been hauling civilians out of every system I can, don't really care who they are as long as I can fit them in my bay.

Well, it's paid off I'd say. I don't really care about the financial reward, after getting my hands on my new carrier- I feel a bit egotistical naming it the FNS McKenzie but I couldn't think of anything else. Sue me. But on top of it I made nice with the Empire. At the very least they didn't blow my ship out of the black when I tried to land on their rescue vessel, and give the fact that the commanding officer aboard the Imperial Haven knighted me, well... Yeah. Felt weird going through a knighting ceremony on a space ship, but I guess I earned it? I finally got my Admiralty bars on my chest too, so the Feds don't seem to mind.

I'm proud of myself, honestly. A lot of my money and rep have been earned on blood, and while they deserved it as far as I care, there's a part of me that has a hard time sleeping at night when I think too hard about it. I guess what I'm saying is it feels good to be saving lives, instead of ending them. Guess I'm going soft, huh? Julius keeps teasing me about it but, hell, seems he might be right. Well, I'm gonna try to get some rest, more people to haul tomorrow and I'm running off of about five mugs of coffee today, that crash is coming.
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