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New, Fantastic Ways to Kill Bugs - Raven's Log

01 Feb 2023SpeedsMcRonalds
Well, been a while Eden. I've been trying to spend some time taking it easy, recuperating after that really close call with that 'Dusa. Never thought I'd get whiplash in a spaceship, but slamming down onto the planet's surface with disabled thrusters tends to do that to you. At least my spine's augmented to haul all this metal around, otherwise that might've been a nasty wreck for me. But still, my spirits are high now with the news that's been coming in, for once it's not making me feel depressed and hopeless. Nice change of pace, y'know? The new fleet carrier definitely brings some pep to my step too. The FNS McKenzie... Never thought I'd see the day. Definitely smiling more for plenty of reasons.

Not just Tanner getting let off the hook and then telling Hudson to stuff it, either. That was beautiful, don't get me wrong, I can imagine that old codger's wrinkly face twisting up in his fancy office when Tanner went independent and dropped his commission. But even more, "her majesty" finally got her head out of her royal ass and decided that maybe Aegis is a good idea. And who better to run it than the princess, the only sane Imperial in their crazy little family as far as I'm concerned, and if any Imps are listening to this audio log on my netpage? If you're offended: Bite me. At least pretty miss blue-hair has the sense to want to work together on this war.

And the FNS Carcinogen is flying like a dream. Got the engines worked on, drag drives make it a bit easier to keep up with the damn murder flowers, and with that new stabilizer? I ripped off the old flak cannon and put one of those new gimballed AX chainguns on there, and boy howdy does it make dealing with scouts easier. At least I'm not microwaving myself with all the modded shard cannons firing off at once at such small targets. Same with my shield cell banks, they charge better and don't set the undercarriage on fire anymore. And now with the eggheads digging into some possibilities with those weird Guardian relics, y'know, the ones that got all... Thargoid-y? Maybe we can punch a hole in those maelstroms and really do some damage to whatever is in there.

So far the only complaint I've got is that dipshit in the squadron, new-ish guy. Pinged his little Eagle off my canopy while my shields were down, left a great big crack in there, but... Well. Small complaints in the face of a galactic enemy. At least I'm in a good enough mood to only be worried about stuff like that, yeah? Anyways, dinner time, then it's right back to the front lines to give this new loadout more stress testing and show these newer AX pilots how it's done.

Admiral McKenzie, out.
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