Logbook entry

Rest Amidst Chaos - Raven's Log

24 Feb 2023SpeedsMcRonalds
Well Eden, I think it's finally time I hang up the keys to the ship for a little while. Things are... Well, they're still insane, but it feels like everyone is getting a handle on things as best they can. Tanner came back from the Malestrom successful, soon enough we're gonna be striking at the heart of those damned things and killing whatever is hiding in those clouds. AXI and the other collaborative groups are keeping the 'Goids at bay fairly well, at least enough that we don't have Scouts dancing around in Sol at the moment. And the Marlinists have gotten a bunch of dictatorial lunatics out of their space. And I had a hand in all of it, even if it's just a small part, there's still a point of pride to feel that I was fighting on all fronts. But...

I'm tired. That shore leave the other day made me feel the drain, I didn't even know how exhausted I was until I woke up the morning after. Drunken trysts aren't usually my style, but Vox- Well, anyways, that's neither here nor there. Point is, I needed to relax, and I still need to relax, I can't keep living out of the 'Vette for months on end, subsisting off of rations and cheap coffee, that's gonna have me needing more chrome to replace my stomach and my kidneys before the year is out. So, I'm taking the FNS McKenzie and jumping to Sol. Or at least nearby, just to take some time off, maybe go see a beach on Earth like I've always wanted to and get some old-school tan lines.

I know what everyone says, "no rest for the wicked" and all that, and I know it's true. I'll be back, sooner rather than later, but I'm not useful to anyone if I wind up in an infirmary somewhere thanks to exhaustion... Or worse. Once we crack those Malestroms and we strike at the cores, I'll be one of the first ones to throw myself into battle against whatever is in there. My guns are loaded.

Until then, Admiral McKenzie is signing off.
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