Logbook entry

The Eye of the Storm(s) - Raven's Log

02 May 2023SpeedsMcRonalds
Been a while, Eden. Mostly been enjoying shore leave, taking some much-needed 'me' time with all that's been going on. But the past couple days have been busy, zipping around, engineering the ship to strip the Guardian internals out so the Maelstroms don't fry them. It's finally happening, we're gonna pierce right into the heart of the Thargoid menace; The Maelstroms. I never doubted Aegis but I expected this to take much, much longer to come to fruition, guess I don't give the eggheads enough credit for their work, eh? And thankfully I've got power to spare to fit the new neutralizer on without losing key modules, so now it's just a waiting game, then doing whatever song and dance the tech brokers want to get them to cough up the goods.

I'm locked and loaded. I have no idea what to expect, but I've made sure to plan for contingencies before I go headlong into the fray yet again. Ship is armored up and ready to kill, my suit is layered to the gills with titanium, and I'm packing extra ammo for every gun I can fit on myself. If these clouds really have hive ships hiding inside, they're massive; And full of bugs to shoot. Time to dust off the cobwebs and get some target practice in before things really kick off, because it's gonna be a party soon.

And I'm bringing all kinds of party favors.
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︎1 Shiny!
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