Logbook entry

The Titans - Raven's Log

10 May 2023SpeedsMcRonalds
The recording is choppy, the quality hampered by interference. Rather than afterthoughts, these were recorded in the moment.

This is- Uh, Commander Raven McKenzie, Federal auxiliary Admiral, reporting from the Oya Maelstrom in the FNS Carcinogen. I've fitted the new pulse neutralizer, stripped all the Guardian bits out and refitted her for this little expedition. Keeping cold, heading towards the center now... All pips are in systems, waiting for the wave to come out and try to repel me. So far no Interceptors, all is quiet asides from a few fart-mines that I got a little too close to. If it wasn't for the fact that my ship is trying to melt around me, it'd be peaceful-"

There is a distant rumble, and the Commander goes silent for a few moments.

"Here it comes. Okay, readying the neutralizer. Aaaaand..."

The recording crackles and sputters, the audio completely unsalvageable from the interference.

"... through, it's d- ... not seeing much, just- ... -teroids, why isn't there-"

The recording skips, then falls silent barring the sound of static for nearly a minute straight. Then, it roars back to life, the sounds of hull impacts and boosting thrusters peak the balance and cause feedback.

"- You like that?! Fucking- Glaives, bring it on! Hell, that thing is big! Bigger than- Bigger than I expected, 'Titan' is a name for it, covered in turrets. No way in, one glowing entrance in the rear but it pushed me back, 'Ceptor made it through just fine. Might need-"

Multicannon fire roars, along with the sound of beam lasers. The COVAS speaks through the failing systems, sparks audibly flying from the dashboard.

'Hull integrity compromised. Hull integrity critical. Canopy compromised. Warning: Caustic damage detected.'

"I get it! Fuck- Fuck! Okay, no more caustic sinks, I gotta go, I gotta go! COVAS, engage silent running, close the vents dammit! I don't care if it microwaves me, burn that shit off of this tub before I wind up some 'Goid war prize!"

'Silent running. Warning, temperature critical.'

"Come on. Come on! Go faster baby, you can do it..."

The sound of pips moving between systems, and the repeated sounds of boosting thrusters as Thargoids scream outside of the ship. Then, a roar from behind and the telltale signs of a pulse approaching. Then the sound of the pulse wave neutralizer malfunctioning, firing too early.

"Shit, shit shit shit no, not now! Come on-"

A scream, then the sound of groaning metal as the ship is thrown at an intense speed. The sound of the canopy shattering, and a scream before the recording cuts silent. It is uploaded to the 'Net from Ross 112, from a public terminal aboard a rescue ship.
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︎5 Shiny!
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