Logbook entry

Tired of running

08 Oct 2016Elton Poole
There's a reason why I've got one of the fastest ships money can buy. I'm a trader, so when the mouthbreathing pirates interdict me, I submit and then run.

This technique has made me millions, but today, after being interdicted three times on a mercy mission to provide water to a struggling colony, something snapped.

I submitted to interdiction yet again, and listened to the threats and posturing over the comms as usual.

This time however, I turned about and targeted the turd. Now my little Cobra doesn't turn fast, but by blipping the flight assist, I raked her hull with my beam lasers. She must have been surprised as I engaged my multicannons as her shield went down and blew her into flaming chunks.

No more running for me. These brigands will get what they deserve from me from now on - a burning death in the cold wastes of space.
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︎3 Shiny!
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