Logbook entry

The new Imperator: Insurrection in Paresa - a response

01 Feb 2019Elton Poole
I must admit to having had concerns about our Emperor and the lengths she would be willing to go to in defending the Empire. I could smell a certain hesitancy about her, in the manner that sharks smell blood in the water. If I could smell it, then surely our enemies could. This was not something I would have expected from Hengist's heir.

I found myself wondering if a stronger leader would be better deterrent to Federation depredation and Alliance meddling. Could Mordanticus, and by proxy Hadrian - be that man?

In one act, the Emperor put to rest any doubts in the minds of the citizenry of the Empire. Mordanticus is no longer a noble figure, a potential leader, someone willing to do what it takes to return us to our former glory - he was merely a corpse bleeding out on a beautiful mosaic, a message to any Senator or Admiral that insurrection would not be tolerated.

It's a hard lesson, but old glories can never be recaptured. We must win newer, greater glories.

When the Emperor stood before the self-styled "Imperator" Mordanticus and had Patreus shoot him in front of the Senate, she finally showed the galaxy that she was not one to be brooked with. If only a demonstration like this had been performed before - maybe the Nova Imperium would never have gathered so many followers in the first place. Maybe the wolves wouldn't have started to scratch at our gate.

Hopefully this will signify a new strength that will be seen by the arrogant Federation, the duplicitous seditionists and the smug Alliance that we will not be corralled, that we will not tolerate erosion of our systems, that we are old, but that age gives us the strength of tradition and a core of iron. We will not tolerate the nipping of these little fishes any longer. We will make our Empire whole again and stand firm against enemies from within and without.

I am going to Paresa. If I find Hadrian, I will kill him, or I will die trying.

I found an old record while I was whiling away the hours on GalNet in supercruise one day. It seems to be a series of still images played at a fixed speed to convey a sense of movement. They were quite ingenious in the 20th century, considering the technology they had! It took me several hours to find some way to display it in any meaningful sense. I will leave it linked to this log entry; I hope you can find a way to view it.

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