Logbook entry

Cmdr's Log, 06July22-03: Finally At the First Waypoint to SagA

06 Jul 2022Agoristl
Arriving in the system suggested in the Snake Sector, I didn't immediately see any stations, but I did find and travel to a carrier parked at the nearest body. After having an FSD malfunction(as I've had several times since installing the Disembarker upgrade) that left me 100's of klicks from the carrier and would refuse to engage once spun up, I decided to set course and disable flight assist so I could float to the carrier. Being 20 minutes out, I had time to handle the dishes I have been ignoring in the galley of the DBX.

Upon arriving, I was ecstatic to see it has a reasonable selection of modules. Not everything I want, but I grabbed a better set of thrusters(I had naively thought I wouldn't need to worry about normal flight), a DSS, and a repair limpet controller at the suggestion of greater Exploration Cmdr's than myself.

I managed to get my jump just over 30ly(30 and change) and felt ready to head back out.
I set course for my first waypoint, about 40 jumps out, Blu Thua BG-X b1-1. The journey was rather straightforward, though I did note the awesome sight of the galaxy's center dominating my view for much of it.

Upon arrival, I decided to scan and land on the BT BG-X b1-1 1 in order to take a picture of the galaxy center from the surface(I forgot to use the on-board camera so I had to manually upload the picture to the Galnet, the link is at the bottom). Turns out, I also ended up being the first Cmdr to set foot on it. An honor even if it is a planet in the boonies of the galaxy.

I'll bed down for some sleep and handle some routine checks and maintenance when I wake. Then, in about 20 hours, I'll be ready to push for the next waypoint. If I read it right, there will be about 20 waypoints, so it will take at least a couple weeks to reach SagA, but I imagine, if for no other reason, the journey will be worth it.

I'd like it noted, if only to thank them, the encouragement of other Cmdrs has certainly been helpful. While I wasn't at the point of turning around, I could tell I was thinking I might not make the full journey. That I'd rationalize myself into turning back at some arbitrary point, telling myself it's enough for the practical goal of creds and rank. But between the encouragement, and my impulse to defy those that are less than confident in my ability to do such a journey in such a haphazard manner, I believe I may have the strength to overcome my inherent tendency to not follow through on the grand ideas and goals I set upon.
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