Logbook entry

Cmdr's Log, 07July22: Behind Schedule

07 Jul 2022Agoristl
Upon finishing necessary tasks before taking flight again, I got into an argument with my ship's AI about the cost/benefit of Nuclear Power in the mid 21st century. Suffice to say, I took off nearly an hour later than I had planned.
I had to cut my trip just over halfway to the next planned waypoint and ended up ending this round on Blu Thua DN-B c13-3
Nothing special but I decided to land on the night side to see if I could get a prettier view of the galaxy. I did get another first footfall, but I'm beginning to imagine this will be quite common as I get further away from the bubble. Nevertheless, it is still gratifying to know I'm the first to have stepped foot on these worlds. Early man had discovered the moon long before Armstrong stepped upon it, but it's his name we remember.
Though I doubt the same will apply to my name.
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︎0 Shiny!
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