Logbook entry

Cmdr's Log, 08July22: Happy Birthday to My Clone

08 Jul 2022Agoristl
Today is my clone's 16th birthday. It becomes more evident every year that I didn't manage to remove all of the flaws I suffer, but I still find the entire venture to largely have been a success. He is a far better version of myself in many ways and, provided he can overcome some of the burdens he has inherited, he will make an excellent replacement for me one day.
I would be spending time with him now, but he has caught the interest of another clone and they've gone to have dinner and see a movie for his birthday.
So I want to wish him a happy birthday, though I know he won't take the time to read these logs because I'm lame and old.
Such is life, I suppose.
That said, today's hop went well. I had to jump once more than planned in order to find a body I could land on and ended up in a trinary system with two sun orbiting each other and another off in the distance.
The black sheep, as I called it, held around it an Earth like planet, the first I had seen in my life, having only recently gotten my Sol Permit and haven't really ventured much within the Bubble. I scanned several bodies and then settled on a small planetoid, Smojai MS-U d2-33 b2, right at the point of 'dawn'. Sadly, this obscured the view of the galactic center, but the view of the black sheep endlessly rising and setting was certainly worth the choice.
I may hop a few more times before I get some sleep. But even if not, I will start early tomorrow as I have plan to rendezvous with my clone for a day of cake and embarrassing him.
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