Logbook entry

Cmdr's Log 10July22: Another 1000ly Behind Me

10 Jul 2022Agoristl
I started my ship early today. I was hoping to get through a couple waypoints(roughly 2000ly) before I join some friends back in the Bubble for a game session. We're playing this 21st century 'rpg' where you use 'dice' and play fantastical creatures doing quests in a pre-industrial time period of magic and melee.
The trip was largely uneventful. Though I did go ahead and have the DBX painted. I have a feeling I'll have a use for her even after I move into an AspX.
As with yesterday, each jump populated the black with more and more stars, nebulae, and, I think, galaxies.
I eventually found myself in a trinary system with two suns circling each other and a third a few kly away. It was this third sun that had several metallic planets, one of which had a fairly suitable moon, Pyramoe SY-D c1-65 c2a, to land on. Or so I thought.
As I closed in on the surface, I quickly realized this body was all craters and peaks, with few, if any, plains. After several minutes of skimming the tips of its mountainous face, I finally managed to find a slope suitable enough to land.
The view was worth it.
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︎1 Shiny!
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