Logbook entry

15 Jul 2022Agoristl
I once again donned my Artemis suit to collect samples from the other species on this body. However, I never found it. I spent a lot of time climbing hills and cliffs, going into SC to get to a fresh spot, and repeating. Time was spent researching how to narrow down the search and that led me to realize I could switch filters between species. Turns out the second one was a bacteria. I tried and tried, even accidentally discovering the 'ping' feature on the sampler, but to no avail.
I did, however, discover I needed three samples from three different batches of a species to get a final sample, so I accomplished that much.
I also noted that the plants I found definitely seem to be active.
In direct sunlight, they look frozen despite higher temperatures, but in the shade or dark, they take on a more 'fleshy' look with bands and spots, rather than the 'calcified' look they take on in sunlight.
Perhaps it's some sort of defensive mechanism from unfiltered UV or radiation? It's something for real xenobiologists to discover.

As a result of the time spent hopping around that rock, I only managed 15 jumps closer to SagA. I ended up landing on Nyeajee HY-F d12-180 A 1.
While certainly not as notable as Nyeajee PD-A b34-7 A 1, the view is steadily getting more and more impressive. Soon I should be in that cloud of star matter and systems surrounding our galaxy's center.

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︎0 Shiny!
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