Cmdr Looted
Treasure hunter / Courier
Registered ship name
Cui Bono
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk III LV-V5
Overall assets
Felicia Winters

Logbook entry

Courier Run logs

23 Jul 2022Looted
I have accepted some jobs for the Isinor Chapter, they seem to pay well.

It's been a while now, a FDL has been following my since I entered system, they don't seem very friendly but send an ex-employers regards. I think they mean to be threatening.


They have attempted to interdict my ship, only through pure luck I decided to fly right at them to avoid their FSD and hace managed to put some distance between us. 30k ls to my destination and I'm putting massive distance between us. Using the systems orbital gravitation seems to be working in my advantage.


almost there, they are getting closer... I don't think I'll make it. Oh no, they got >.....
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