Cmdr Looted
Treasure hunter / Courier
Registered ship name
Cui Bono
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk III LV-V5
Overall assets
Felicia Winters

Logbook entry

Daily addendum log 1

25 Jul 2022Looted
It's been some time, I was unable to log while running aid missions.

I have picked up an old Cobra Mk III, it has been fun rebuilding it and retrofitting some of the original parts with updated modifications. Now I can just about track any ship in a system and when it leaves system, well unless it's a dedicated explorer, the'll still have an edge on me. Still for what I'll need it's more powerful but at least that just means it'll get me to where I'm going fast.

I'm headed out to the lave system, there there was a pretty good club out there I wanted to go check it out show off my restored cobra.

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︎0 Shiny!
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