Returning to a System Under Fire
29 Aug 2022Final Asgard
Captain's Log,Today we returned from our Barndard's Loop mission, only to discover reports that the Thargoids have completely taken over HIP 22460, and are expanding from there with more hostile actions than what is normal. I think there may be a war just over the horizon. If it does come down to a battle, we will need to do our part to protect humanity. It may be time to start researching a Thargoid fighting ship.
Either that, or a much larger exploration ship so we can get outta Dodge until the war is over.
On that note, I'm thinking of buying a new Anaconda to equip for exploration. Totally unrelated.... Which means we need a lot more credits. So we stayed out way longer than we should have but managed to bring in over 65 million credits! That's like... half a power plant for an Anaconda. Baby steps! We will get there one day.
In other news, we got some new subscribers today! Thank you Arachnid for the follow and Jammerz for the gifted sub!
Well, with all that excitement it's time to go to bed and try to make up for the bad decisions of staying up really late on a work night....
I was told that I should sign this, so that " if you sign it, maybe when your ship crash and someone finds the logs, it will be a lot of credits lol and probably get bidded on ED Bay"... Thanks Arachnid for the encouraging words... I really hope my ship does not blow up.