Logbook entry

Venture Capitalist Carson Frederick - Logbook 2.0 - First Entry

20 Sep 2016Lord Hexias
<<Recorded Aboard EECS Voracity>>

<<Docked - Gardner Port - Salikians>>
20 SEP 3302

<<[Begin Audio Playback]>>


It is official, ladies and gentlemen, I am the biggest klutz in the galaxy. No, seriously. I was messing about in the cabin here and managed to spill an entire thermos of Djiwallian Robust Blend all over the data storage bracket I was keeping next to my seat. The good news? I get to start a new Logbook! The bad news [momentary pause] Well, I've lost all of the recordings from the EECS Discovery and Curiosity. All. Of. Them.

Luckily, I was able to salvage some of the image data I'd recorded. Still working on unscrambling some of the pictures, but I have managed to find at least one of each of those ships. I'll be sure to encode a few of these into the text sampling of this recording. When I get time. Okay don't count on it but I promise to at least try and remember to do that. If for no other reason than to have a safe place to keep the memory of those ships alive. Because, you know, all I have to do is look around my Python's cabin here and the memory of anything else I used to fly starts to dim.

Oh yeah! Hey! I bought a Python! Cool, right? It was about a week ago, but [brief pause and a sigh] yeah, the coffee made sure that I'd have to start my Logbook all over again so, here we are.

Anyway, my business partners and I figured this would be the best way for me to travel in the region we've settled in. The main reason is the lack of starports this close to the edge of the Bubble. Caryanda Port is a nice Coriolis in Taoshamorio and Gardner Port here in Salikians is worth the time it takes to dock, but most of the other systems I've been frequenting are lucky to have a medium pad ready for the EECS Voracity. Which is the name of my Python. Obviously.

More recent was the Diamondback Explorer I picked up after a quick trip to the Shamo system. Some are questioning my choice, but I have to admit that flying it for the first time was a great deal of fun. I put some railguns on the sides and a pulse on the large hardpoint under the nose. All worry about overarming the EECS Tenacity went out the window after my fight with an Imperial Clipper between Shamo and Hez Ur. I was able to strip his shields surprisingly quick with the pulse laser and finish him off in relatively efficient fashion with the rails.

I won't admit to being super excited about having to get into a scrape like that with the new Diamondback but I am pleased with its performance nonetheless. Hopefully the lack of a cargo bay in that ship will mean fewer interdictions in the future.

Those of you back home who will receive this tomorrow might be wondering if you heard me right. Yes, Dad, I have a ship without a cargo hold. I can pretty much see your frown even from this far away. But hear me out. Recently, I participated - in no small way - to the call for materials to build refueling stations between the Bubble and the new Colonia Hub 20,000 light years away. You know, that place I recently went to and came back from? You remember right? That trip no one else from Djiwal has ever completed? Yeah, I'm not sure I mentioned it before [audible chuckling]. Anyway, it was definitely time for me to pick up another exploration ship as the itch to sail the black doesn't seem to have been scratched. Also, I needed a nimble bounty hunting ship to use in a wing with my business partners, so, you know, two birds and whatnot.

Ah, it seems the boys here in Gardner are done offloading the Lithium Hydroxide and Low Temperature Diamonds I just picked from the ice. Time to fire this tub up and make my way back to Mapon for some more medicine runs to Hez Ur.

Fly safe!

Carson, out.


<<Image Files Encoded>>


The EECS Discovery, my first love!

<<Addendum Complete>>
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