Cmdr GOM.Collective
Mechanic / Courier
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G.O.M. Collective

Logbook entry

GOM Collective Update

20 Oct 2023GOM.Collective
I feel like Bones going through the Transporter... my cells seem to have gone through a change. One moment I was one person and now I'm another!

My priorities are the same; my Squadron and Crew have no idea I'm any different! Even SnowPuff the dog, Bluebell the cat and Captain Flint the Parrot have no idea. SnowPuff growls a bit more but he's the suspicious type.

As I go through this metamorphosis my resolve hardens. No longer will I allow other pilots to control our Squadron. Our previous BGS Commandant has disappeared... he caused no end of problems then just flew away without notice. I have been spending much time repairing relations with other squadrons; building Embassies and inviting Ambassadors to visit and try to remove the hostility created by the old BGS Commander.

I believe it's time to buy a Flight Carrier. I certainly have enough credits! It's a process though, so many modules to decide on...

SnowPuff needs a walk... I better get his flight suit on!
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