Logbook entry

Chronicles eight

04 Feb 2023V CLARA
Captains log
Guardian chronicles
September 2 ,3308
V Clara commanding
So much is happening I’m not sure where to start. We have more symbols, and we have matched them to things. We also feel like we have decoded a basic set of instructions on a panel. They just don’t really tell you anything.
And we are discovering that the simple compass concept is far more complex than it at first appeared.
I will start with some of the markings.
As we were analyzing the relics and the keys for specific markings aside from the triangle we showed you in the last update, we came across what looked like a rectangular set of instructions for software. Which makes us believe that the actual power in the device is transferred through the glass when the glyph comes in contact with a matching combination. This begins the transfer of power and software.
The light emitted at the proper angle can be seen specifically pointing in two directions from the Triangular slots on the inner chamber, which is inside the translucent orb powering the device.
Obviously making it perfect for insertion into something like an obelisk or pylon, with positive and negative sides and a third side facing out.
And it makes a sound that is being analyzed right now by two laboratories. It appears to be limiting a signal through a wireless energy dispersion which is unidirectional.
We have seen evidence of this same process on a much larger scale at the beacons. We have assumed that this is either a signal wave length passing through the gas cloud or a transfer of energy that powers the net work.
We were trying to make a detailed analysis of the orb inside and it’s central chamber when we came across these strange marking. We couldn’t believe what we were looking at.
We found these same marking on alpha while testing commander running wilds Report in the NGC 3199 region. With the night scope on, when we flew around the back of the facility we found the stick marking on the main triangular stone at the base of the dome. And the S at the bottom of the main chamber. We have checked other alpha sites and found the same marking In different stages of erosion. But always present.
We have only observed these markings at the Alpha complex. And we are comparing it to structure layouts now, even though it looks more like the depiction of a rising relic tower. These markings seem to tie the crystals throughout the civilization specifically to the alpha ruin.
Except for these.
The crystals that power the computer cores.
These seem to incorporate a unique inverted design that places the striations on the outside of the crystal in bold relief. There is no hint of the glyph present on the other crystals, and it is absent of all other identifying markings, aside from the power triangle, that we can tell.
They do however have their own unique set of markings. We are analyzing these markings now but they vary between the cores from the structures and the cores from the beacons.
Small sets of parallel lines and a bold cross pattern seem to separate the structure core from the beacon core which has the power triangle and a ground marker pattern grafted on it. Along with a small notch on one side.
The windows in the side of the computer core appear to be two dimensional copies of the relics but without the top portion that contains the glyph. Giving the impression that these are assembled in two stages. The crystal is grown and then the computer software and Power Systems are added before the top piece is placed on it with the glyph in place.
Which means what we originally thought were tool marks are probably the remains of some kind of fusing or welding system to put the two halves of the crystals together.
The markings on the core itself also differentiate between the structures and the beacons.
While the computer core at the structure contain identical markings to The structure complex, the beacon core is decorated in very specific geometric shapes. And these shapes are laid out in a very simple process with directional lines to indicate flow.
From what we can see they perfectly describe A certain set of objects and the necessary steps for activating the complex at the structure.
Even the manufacturing process of the crystals is
This is the only set of markings we have found that was not completely abstract. It is literally laid out so simply a fourth grader could break down the process.
A simple series of steps and shapes that tell you what to do with the key once it is released. Activating the pylon, inserting the relic, and downloading the software all seem to all be described with geometric shapes.
As we were examining the crystal we started to get feedback on the report written by Commander running wild. Almost automatically people started sending us images of how the lines from the complex lineup with other things.
The first set of lines connected a series of beacons together in a very specific shape.
A player by the name of blue crash submitted a photo of the alpha lines lining up with other Guardian regions on the galactic map.
While the scientific Community scoffed at this, we feel it necessary to remind them that this is a pattern. Your ability to recognize patterns is Paramount to solving this puzzle. We are finding ourselves flabbergasted at the amount of information that was never investigated under the excuse that it didn't look scientific enough. We have established patterns throughout this civilization that are pretty hard to miss unless you are willfully ignoring it.
This is not covid, and you are not fauci. Get your heads back in the game.
As for us, we have spent the last two weeks going over the logs from the guardian missions. We are finding Clues and discrepancies everywhere that apparently our scientific Community didn't pay attention to.
Since science doesn't operate without information, we are going to lay this out for you in a way that's easy to understand unlike the so-called experts in the game.
And we will be submitting a full report on our findings as it pertains to the logs. For now, it is time for us to return to Guardian space.
We have stumbled on a series of Clues present in the alpha complex that we are still analyzing for our next series of reports. And the amount of processes is alarming.
And of course we will keep you updated on our progress.
This is Commander V Clara
Signing off

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