Logbook entry

Logbook Entry: #002 – Heavy Meatal Queen

20 Sep 2022R7CH
Date: [3308.09.19]
Location: CEOS

It was over a glass of Lavian Brandy that it was decided. CMDR Orion Black and I were going back into HIP 22460 to attempt an rescue mission and to salvage any data that we can from Salvation’s megaship, The Bright Sentinel. The only problem was the Thargoids. Since the firing of the Proteus Wave the goids have taken territory for the first time in known history. Furthermore it seems they have taken the offensive as there have been reports of fatal Hyperdictions near the system. This change in behavior and my own experience fighting the Thargoids made me worry. Many lives were lost during the Battle of HIP 22460 trying to take down those Hydras. If they come in full force… This is why we must be ready. And to be ready we must know exactly what happened, and if we could save a few lives in the process then it must be done. That is why I decided to bring the Heavy Metal Queen for this mission. Her heavy hull and size 7A, Grade 5 Reinforced Hi-cap Prismatic Shields would be needed, along with her multiple collector limpet controllers and ample cargo space. She is by know means a combat vessel, but she will get the job done.

CMDR Orion Black lead the way into the system. The mission was to get in and get out as quickly as possible. When we disengaged from Supercruise our systems began to glitch and malfunction rendering any guardian technology we had onboard useless. Thankfully we were not reliant on any to accomplish this mission. Now was the time to blast some Heavy Metal music and switch all pips into engines. The operation at the Bright Sentinel had begun. Just moments after we dropped into normal space we got warnings of Frameshift anomalies being detected. The Thargoids were coming, and the countdown began. CMDR Orion Black bravely open fired on the Thargoid Interceptors to buy me enough time to rescue a few occupied escape pods and a black box. The attack come fiercely in a swarm of Thargons that immediately ate away at my shield strength. I took a quick glance at my contacts tab to see what was out there that I was collecting but there was to much going on tell. Switching all power to my shields I braced against the impact and hoped that my shields would hold just a bit longer… I could hear CMDR Orion Black say something on the comms, but the distortions made it difficult e to make out. Did she say she was taking hull damage? Looking down I could only watch as The Heavy Metal Queen’s shields took a beating. 50%, 25%, 10%...when the shields failed and my last collector limpet returned we made our retreat. Sweeping under the Bright Sentinel I engage my FSD and boosted outa there. CMDR Orion Black stayed behind in her Anaconda and bought me a few more desperately needed precious moments to escape. If I could have given her a medal saluting her bravery I would have. I guess we will each have to settle for the information obtained from the Black Box instead. Hopefully it will help us understand what really happened…
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