Logbook entry

Logbook Entry: # 005 – Peace and Stargoids

24 Oct 2022R7CH
Date: [3308,10,14]
System: Andecavi

The fighting in the Andecavi system continued long after “Victory” was called. I had the pleasure of fighting alongside CMDR Flutter Born in defense of the system after everyone else left. Alone we took down interceptor after interceptor until we could fight no more. We even managed to take down a Hydra after a few hours… Word on Galnet is that there are now eight UAPs or “Stargoids” heading toward the bubble and that their arrival time is expected to be around late November. As of right now there isn’t much more that I can do to prepare for whatever is to come. But that doesn’t make me feel any better. It takes a lot to take down a single Hydra…But enough of that. I fight the Thargoids for one reason and one reason alone. To defend humanity. Even though I strongly disagree with the agenda of the Anti-Xeno community I will defend mankind. After all, one man’s mistake is not the fault of the entire species. That is why I was surprised to learn that a Xeno Peace Convoy was being formed, however I fear that it may be too late for peace. And I believe that is why that only now people are willing to try at peace first, instead of just shooting. Were I able to support this peace project I would set course immediately however the repairs and engineering requirements from the battles in Andecavi have me elbows deep in grease. By my calculations it will take about two weeks to finish. The question was asked by my crew if I would fight again when the Stargoids come. That answer is yes. But not because I believe the Thargoids are our enemy, but because I believe that there can be a future where we one day we can leave each other alone and exist equally at peace. And to see that future, we must survive…
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