Cmdr Thorned Rose
Diplomat / Astrobiologist
Registered ship name
Lambent Fathoms
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom TR-2E
Overall assets
YKE Technologies

Logbook entry

Such a mournful sound

15 Nov 2022Thorned Rose
Who knows what's coming our way. I guess only whatever beings the Anomalies are or were sent by. Regardless, my thoughts on their intention will not alter their course and inevitability.

I have no interest in perpetuating a cycle of violence. Hate begets hate. I doubt I will ever take up arms against the Thargoids (or whatever they call themselves). Some will call me a traitor and accuse me of having blood on my hands. But how much blood has been spilt in the name of senseless violence and greed? We cannot ignore that humans made the first strike and, even if through fear and ignorance, the impact of that aggression cannot be hidden away by rash intent.

I will not however escape out into the velvet depths of the black. No matter how much the fathomless stars call to my soul, it's a false promise of safety and my own conscience will not allow me to ignore the hands I have that can reach out, grasp and give help.

I have purchased my first large ship, a Type-7 outfitted for rescue and evacuations, which I named "Lighted Vision" in the hopes that it will bring light and hope in what could be very dark times. I hope to the gods that I will never have to use it but I would rather prepare in futility than allow pointless and callous death.

I still have a lot of engineering to do with only a small number of accessible engineers and a lot more not yet willling to work with me. I'm putting in the hard and often frustrating hours in the hopes of garnering their aid.

This has taken me to many different places including a 6,000Ly journey out to the Patchwork Plains at CSI+47-21046 (that's for another logbook entry in it's own right) and now to a crashed Thargoid ship on HIP 17403 A 4 A. I don't know what I was expecting from it. Certainly not a tourist beacon.

Upon landing near the wreckage and taking in the sheer devastation surrounding my SRV, I can't help reflecting on just how inhuman and detached a tourist beacon is. How can one make such a spectacle out of death and destruction?

I tried to approach on foot objects that my sensors tell me are Thargoid cargo containers. I've never seen anything like them before, at least in this new life. They hurt when I get close so I decide to stick to the SRV and pick up the sensor fragments I'm here for.

I can't help but feel like I'm some sort of post-battle corpse looter though. I feel a moral battle within me that pitches desecrating the dead against the potential for helping others to survive. In the end, the living will always matter more. We cannot ignore the past, we must learn from our mistakes and that of others but we also cannot become so beholden to the past that those existing in the present continue to suffer. So I will take the sensor fragments (why Palin needs them still is beyond me) and listen to the mournful sounds surrounding me in the hopes that I can help avoid or save others from a collateral harsh and cold future.

It's always darkest before the dawn.
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