Cmdr Thorned Rose
Diplomat / Astrobiologist
Registered ship name
Lambent Fathoms
Credit balance
Elite I
Registered ship ID
Krait Phantom TR-2E
Overall assets
YKE Technologies

Logbook entry

Little Blue

02 Feb 2023Thorned Rose
As part of YTEC's defence of the California Nebula against Archon Delaine's illegal invasion and occupation, I had the opportunity to take some Turner Research Group passengers out to BD+30 623 and a beacon called "Little Blue". This is a gorgeous single system nebula. From a distance the star, a blue-white B-class, looks like it's sounded my a misty ball of blue light.

Upon arriving in the system I was greeted with the breath-taking sight of being completely surrounded by a deep luminous blue. It was like being in deep ocean, with the stars being like pin-points of light from bio-luminescent creatures.

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︎1 Shiny!
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