Logbook entry

Log 7.6.3309

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This is CMDR Suttorad. Some time ago, probably week or two, I took off from the Muller Terminal in Rabh system to carry that much needed materials for new scanner.

The Jetfire, my Krait, was in very bad condition after some pirate raid defending, so I took the Atomic Bunker (T-10), to do the job. I bit played with internals-to have shield but with the biggest cargo capacity.

When I was ready, I searched for the nearest stations as to the Rabh, as to the primary star, because FSD of T-10 is really its weak point. And it is not the fastest ship in galaxy, too. I found some Fleet Carriers which were enough close. Price, at which they sold materials was horrible, but still better that bother with 20000 ls supercruise.

After two days, all Fleet Carriers were empty, I was not probably only customer. So I signed to protect that deliveries. Now it was better task for this mastodon. I jumped to the Nav Beacon, which was widely used by traders, what naturally, gained pirate's attention. I sent to trash a lot of little Vipers only with ramming, on the bigger ships I spent some ammunition.

Pythons and Kraits were routine, sometime Clipper showed up. But few days later, they probably noticed me and sent me nasty surprise: wolfpack of Vultures and Corvettes. For my luck, all-time patrol was there, so I was not the lone target. With help from police units, we cleared sector from pirates, but they left my T-10 wounded. It was damaged FSD.

AFMU was not installed, so I spent lot of the time with fixing FSD. Now size of T-10 was big disadvantage-when I tried to egnage FSD, I run from FSD housing where I manually started it, to cockpit. After two days of none succes, I finally fixed it. In the previous tries something was missing. Now, purely coincidencly-somehow I placed glasses on relay box while I was fixing cables, and later I was taking them on, I knocked to relay box door which opened, and I found burnt relay to FSD. I replaced it, and now FSD worked. I jumped in Supercruise and get to Muller Terminal. When I landed, I took a really long shower at Docks. I spent here probably an hour or more.

Fresh and dressed in my Dominator suit, I will visit bar after short walk trough station.

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