Logbook entry

Log 8.8.3309, Promotion, Another Field test (and results)

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This is CMDR SUTTORAD, now oficialy Adam 'The detective' Štefánik. Before two weeks I applied to local police but they refused me and I applied for Omni Pol. For my surprise, they had some spots open, so accepted me.

Aside a new job, I did more testing of Guardian tech based guns, Knockouteer, sniper rifle based on the Gauss, and Eliminator, automatic small carbine, based on Plasma Charger. Knockouteer proved very posivitely on longer distance, where stock Executioner is struggling even with low distace due it's projectile low speed. But Knockouteer's bullet have muzzle velocity so high, so that is reasonably measurable only on Machs- 7,5 Mach. It has so much kinetic energy, Scorpion hit from 250 meters wont resist to special tungsten-titan carbide mixed with Guardian crystal, which generates electric charge-even if target survives penetrator's hit, electric charge will short circuit every electronics in way and non-isolated. Downsides are precharging-shot doesn't happens right after trigger is pressed, but there must be complete charge first, which takes about 2 seconds. Second and third downsides are almost same in practice-rifle is too long and heavy. And last one: it has 5 shot magazine but reloading is done by old good but slow, bolt action mechanism.

Eliminator can be used for covert operations in three shot burst mode, which is precharge-less and mainly silent mode. Then it is here long burst mode-15 shot burst. This mode hovewer needs second for precharge and is definetly non-silent. Ammo is here non-existant item alongside conventional magazine, since weapon uses battery magazine placed above barrel and body. In short burst mode, ammo capacity is 60 shots but in long burst, there is enough energy only for 45 shots.

When I had free time, I was thinking about something, what would make settlement cleaning from pirates, easier. Then I got idea and realised it. It is ammo swap for Karma L-6. First shot creates circle from Guardian shards and second, focused one will knock out wall or door with ease. It is brilliant invention but now only downside is that works with Karma L-6, which is bit big. I have on workbench Tormentor, which would be as substitution of ammo swap for L-6, but right now I am waiting for longer barrel, which can be ordered only from Manticore.

That's all for now, I have in plan to show up in the bar

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