Commander's Log 1.01: They Came Through...
19 Sep 2016SCAARR
First Commander's log, Sep. 19th 3302They held their end of the deal. Thanks to some old connections of mine, I can finally afford to leave my job, buy a ship, and start my own company. Sitting behind that desk for years, working for those putrid slugs at Core Dynamic was a living hell for me. I've changed a lot over the years, but i guess finding the right girl can change anyone. Going from trashing the town and shooting up any stim i could get to here, to doing cyber security for a huge corp. A studded vest to white shirt and black tie. It'd make a good bar joke. Doesn't matter, i'll do anything for her. We're married now and i've got to try to think more long term. Try to make a better future for us and whatever i can do to make her happy. With this loan now, i can finally do that. Now i can be my own boss, do what i like, and make more creds than all my CD bosses combined.
I've been taking flight lessons for about two months now, and everything went pretty smoothly. I've got the core concepts down to be safe enough behind the throttle. I'll learn more intricacies as i go though, because right now i don't have time to waste on the details, i've got to start making money! I was able to get the loan but the time is short and the interest is huge, let alone the fact that these are not people i want to fuck with. Didn't have a choice though, fortune favors the bold right?
I am a little worried about their...."condition" though. " You'll be monitored the entire time" they said. By who? And why? They told me not to be concerned about it and i don't have to reply to anyone who messages me. Still, to install a custom interface for these "viewer" messages and this tiny camera is...invasive. Maybe they did it so i don't skip out on my end of the deal? Oh well, as long as they take it all out when i pay them off. All that matters is i'm finally a Commander now!
September 19th, year 3302...the beginning of Scaarr Enterprises LTD. Let's go.