Logbook entry

A New Life (11/27/3308)

27 Nov 2022Ninjapokemon
Well, I figured it was best to start record my journey, as who knows what the fuck is going to happen. Those Stargoids are barrelling down on the bubble and I don’t plan on being around when they glass all of civilization. Sure, the trading would be good since everybody would be needing something, but I’m not exactly the fighting type. Don’t wanna be carrying around all of my life’s fortunes in diamonds and get ganked by a bunch of Goids, wouldn’t be the best of times I must say.
So thats why I decided to pop out of the bubble and join a good ol’ commune (or at least the galactic equivalent). I had two choices, Colonia or the Azura Initiative, and I knew pretty quickly which one was my cup of tea. Colonia would be nice since it has all the stations, but might get a bit too busy for me, so Azura Initiative is looking quite tasty. Nice small community, get to know them personally and plenty of time to myself. Figured I could pick up asteroid mining since won’t have a whole lot to do out there, plus will help those looking for materials. Bringing along all of my ships, since who the fuck knows is gonna happen. Don’t feel like getting a letter in the mail saying my Anaconda got put down.
People have been running around with their heads cut off, much like them chickens, so that’s made finding a taxi out to Azura quite a pain. I had one good option but I suppose the captain got cold feet and delayed his flight. Luckily I managed to catch a ride with Commander JRPX5 on the Distant Cosmos HLQ-0TV. He’s been quite nice and accommodating, so I’m feeling quite good about this ride. He plans to head out around the 29th, which is right when the Stargoids are most likely to roll up to the bubble, so hopefully we get out safely. He was worried about leaving people behind, as there has been quite a bit of confusion, so I suppose the close departure time is understandable.
I took a peek outside of the fleet carrier and I could make out the shape of the closest Stargoid. Looking at it, I felt a chill go down my spine. I hope that the super powers can stop being little bitches and work together on this, or else humanity is going to struggle to exist. I doubt peace will be an option, as we saw with the Kingfisher.
Tis a shame I didn’t get to see Sol in all of its beauty. Who knows if it will make it.
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︎0 Shiny!
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