Logbook entry

No Chance (11/30/3308)

30 Nov 2022Ninjapokemon
Tomorrow is finally the day. The day I get away from this mess. The day I start my journey to a new life. The timing works out well, as two more Stargoids are estimated to arrive tomorrow. Humanity is already struggling with just one, so I doubt they will be able to manage 8 of them at once. I suppose we deserve this, between impeding on their land, stealing their resources, and attempting to genocide them... twice. I know I should probably stay back and help, but I was never behind the idea of Salvation or genocide. I thought maybe we could have peace or at least negotiations with them, but it seems like they didn't want that (though I suspect the Kingfisher was sabotaged). Plus I'm not a good fighter, so I'll pass on this fight.
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