Logbook entry

The Life of Rex

     Invictvs Rex was born in the Imperial Capitol on Achenar 6D on April 30th, 3285 to a wealthy noble family. His mother, an Imperial Senator, was well known and respected throughout the Empire. His father, an Imperial Naval Duke, had high hopes for his son to become an officer just as himself, so at a young age Rex was enrolled in a prestigious junior cadet program inside the Capitol system.
On June 20th 3295, when Rex was only 10 years old, the family's private Beluga Liner was shot down whilst en-route to Imperial space by federal forces, killing his parents and resulting in him losing an eye in the crash. Traumatized, young Rex developed a deep hatred for the Federation, vowing to bring the fight back to them when he was of age.
He spent the next 8 years at Zemina Torval's Bitterwood Academy. It was here that he developed a close friendship, and mentorship with Senator Torval herself. Having known his mother, she felt for the child and saw to it that he be trained at the very best school. It was during this time that Rex started to develop and learn the traditional Imperial values he holds true. Examples of these would be a strong inclination and support for the Imperial slave trade and to treat ones slaves with respect and dignity (as these people enter servitude by their own will to pay off their debts), to protect the higher standard of living that every Imperial citizen can enjoy, and that within the Empire, wealth is power.
At the age of 18, Rex left Bitterwood to follow in his father's footsteps and enrolled in the Imperial Officer Academy on Peter's Wreck in the Facece system. He graduated with honors at the end of the year as a fully commissioned Viscount. Rather than staying and joining the other newly graduated officers on Topaz, Rex left the Facece system and set out to make his own way in the galaxy.
Wandering through the outskirts of Imperial space, and burning through his officer’s pension fast, Rex decided to stop in a modest system within the Emperor’s exploited zone. This system was Odomazotz. It was here that Rex earned his first billion credits and was awarded the Elite Rank in Trade by the Pilots Federation, primarily via the Imperial slave trading market in the area, but also from offering private security and mercenary work for the local factions. He was quickly allied there and was asked by the local leaders at Lloyd Wright Ring to stay and create an enforcement faction to keep the peace. Thus the 7th Interplanetary Defense Fleet was born. Rex, along side some of his old officer school buddies worked hard to maintain civil liberty in the region.
This faction took part in many battles against the aggressing federal forces in the area, including the devastating defeat of Federal Navy Captain Dropper and his fleet at the time. It also served as the main flight school for the area, with over 100 graduated CMDRs earning their wings. The 7th IDF caught a lot of attention. So much in fact, that Emperor Lavigney-Duval was interested. Her Majesty bestowed Rex with the Imperial rank of Duke, and appointed him the title and position of Archpaladin, charging him with uniting his best forces and running spec-ops missions on behalf of the Empire. Naturally, he chose his inner circle and top council members from the 7th IDF to be his fellow Paladins. It is said that to this day the “Palatine Imperium” as it is rumored to be called, still exists and is active on covert missions within the galaxy.
In the period between late 3303 to early 3304 Rex was active on one such mission. It was a Top Secret mission on behalf of the Crown that entailed infiltrating and enrolling in the Federal Officer Training program in the Ceos system. During this mission Rex was given the federal rank of Vice Admiral (a rank that he still holds to this day), and was equipped with a Federal Corvette for his service. Upon returning to Imperial space the following year, Rex was given the Imperial rank of King for his actions and intel gained. With this new rank and pay bonus, Rex bought his first Cutter.
A few months later, Rex decided to resign from his position as the Admiral of the 7th IDF, as well as give up his title of Archpaladin of the Palatine Imperium. Having felt satisfied with the situation in Odomazotz, he searched for more action elsewhere. He contacted old friends within the Imperial Enforcement Division. Mainly comprised of veteran Imperial Officers, Rex fit right in and felt welcomed in IED. In his time within the faction, Rex learned a lot, and took part in many of the faction’s engagements, both combat, and trade related.
On behalf of the Imperial Cartographic’s Service, Rex has conducted several expeditions to Colonia and other areas far beyond the Bubble. Most notably Sagittarius A, The Spirograph Nebula, both Veil Nebulae, The Bubble Nebula, Betelgeuse, and many others. He also has an extensive catalog of mapped systems to which he is the first discoverer. Enough in fact, that he has been awarded the Elite Rank in Exploration by the Pilot’s Federation.
In early 3306, Brewer Company initiated a sales pitch to both the Imperial and Federal Navies offering their newly up-cycled fleet carrier models at a fraction of the price. Immediately, both sides began issuing requisition orders for these new carriers. Upon receiving one such order, Rex became overjoyed. Having amassed a fleet of 11 ships and an asset value of around 11 billion credits, a new toy sounded like fun. He purchased one and christened her the INV Stalwart Bastion, as he knew that this would be a fort worthy of defending. She was mainly stationed within the Odomazotz system providing military and logistics support to the 7th IDF and it’s allies. She was later decommissioned and replaced in late 3308.

In the fall of 3306, Rex assisted IED in several purges and subjugation operations involving federal pilots and pirates, as well as the removal of the 7th Legion from their own system. The battles won accounted for a large portion of income and even a Pilot's Federation promotion to Combat Elite for Rex, granting him the status of Triple-Elite.

In late 3306, the Pilot's Federation made an announcement of a standards increase for all CMDRs to receive ground training. As a result of this announcement, the citizens of Odomazotz issued a request for the 7th IDF to return to authority, since the faction lacked adequate ground support troops. Rex was asked to return to the helm as Admiral. He accepted, as Odomazotz is his home. He said his farewells to IED, and respectfully resigned to Ragnascot. He saluted his friends, and left for the 7th IDF's territory.

In early 3307, Rex got news that a fleet carrier owned by the New Pilot's Initiative called The Boundless was taking a trip to Beagle Point. He quickly docked aboard the carrier in his exploration vessel, a fine-tuned anaconda called Ad Tenebris Vacui. He returned a few weeks later claiming the trip was a success, and flaunting high definition photos taken via his ship's sensory camera suit displaying the journey and the galaxy's edge from 65,000ly away. To Rex, the beauty of the galaxy is never-ending.

Upon returning to the bubble, Rex devoted his time to rebuilding, training, and fortifying the 7th Interplanetary Defense Fleet. As the squadron regained its power, it started to make waves. By mid-3308, the 7th IDF found itself in coalition with several squadrons and began conducting joint trainings. During this process, Rex gained a high level of competency in on-foot combat operations, specializing in use of the Manticore Dominator suit and plasma weapons. He was awarded the rank of Mercenary Elite by the Pilot's Federation for his combat experience. To further accommodate the squadron, Rex purchased a newer and better equipped fleet carrier, and christened her the INV Sovereign Nobility, to be used as a flagship and mobile base-of-operations for the 7th IDF, and for joint use by [REDADTED].

In late 3308, the second thargoid war was started with the arrival of the maelstroms in the bubble. Rex Immediately began reoutfitting some of his combat ships for AX defense and took to the frontlines. He also endeavored into the unknown once more on genetic research expeditions on behalf of Vista Genomics and the Imperial Cartographics service. The genetic data Rex catalogued was substantial enough for the Pilot's Federation to promote him to Exobiologist Elite. This was Rex's fifth Elite Rank received, granting him the status of Penta-Elite.

As of late, Rex has spent most of his time within the 7th IDF's territory, fortifying and patrolling their systems, teaching new CMDRs, and rooting out pirates and federal scum wherever they may be.

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