Logbook entry

Azura Initiative Posting, day zero

20 Sep 2022Jacob Church
Azura Initiative Posting, day zero

2 days ago, I arrived at the capital of the Azura bubble, The Great Annihilator. I had completed my final job with the Tritium Monkeys, and still had plenty trit left.

After off-loading some of my remaining stock, I realised. If I was to set up a station out here, I was going to need something more than an oversized hauler. I needed services.

Cue the mad dash back to Colonia, the only system within 12,000 light years that could fit what I needed, 21 carrier jumps each way. This was going to be an epic run. I also needed a mining vessel if I was going to make this station work and keep it running, it's not like there's any...I dunno...crowds?

Jaques Station, Colonia. 1 day later. The TMFS Distant Horizons is now a fully fitted carrier (apart from a black market. I'm guessing any passers by won't have anything they shouldn't have by the time they get this far) and I've bought some ships and mining modules just in case anyone decides they want to hang around and keep busy. Now I'm off to sleep before the return charge back to GA.

The next day when I awoke, not feeling any more refreshed than I did when I went to sleep, I got my mining ship (python, obviously) and fitted it out then set off back to AI space.

20 jumps in quick succession later, a notification popped up, another AI carrier in need of fuel - 4,000 tons of it. I checked my hold and noted I had enough, and some left over to get to my final destination. Detour, haul, then head to where I needed to be. Easy enough, and yes, completed in 40 minutes. Onwards!
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