Logbook entry

The Cursed World, part 4

27 Sep 2022Jacob Church
"Commander. Commander! We've got a reply!" Comp chirped, sounding almost excited.
"Playing it now, Commander"

“Commander Jacob Church, this is Commander StrayWolf78 of the mining/rescue carrier Spuren von Leben. I’m currently on the Horizon. What is your position on planet A1? over.”

A wave of relief washed over me. After 4 days, with little water (save what was stored in the emergency rations...and the 'filtered' water...don't ask, and no food, things were getting *really* desperate.

"Patch me through, Comp."

"Patching you through Commander. One moment....boosting signal...there. Ready Commander"

"Commander Straywolf78, this is Commander Jacob Church responding. Thank the Gods real and unreal, it's good to hear your voice! Unfortunately I can't give you a precise bearing and location, as nav systems are destroyed, but I can tell you I'm on the daylight side, and I *think* we're kinda in the equatorial region, as the sun is directly above at midday, pretty much. Over."

I was relying on vague memories of old world navigation methods that, beyond the cartography exams at the academy, I had never thought about since. After all, that's what Comp was there for.

"Comp, I think we might just get out of this mess"

"Oh, I would've got out of this mess anyways Commander. Every time you dock....successfully...I automatically backup with the carriers systems. At most, I lose the information gleaned through whatever mission you were on. But, you didn't need to hear that....Jake."

I looked at the dash (I don't know why, but...) and asked "Jake?"
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︎2 Shiny!
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