Logbook entry

The Cursed World, part 5

28 Sep 2022Jacob Church

"I'm sorry Commander, was that too personal?"

"Well...I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that, but...well..."

Just then, I heard the unmistakable sound of a ship coming in. Is this the rescue party?

"If you prefer, I can just keep calling you Commander, but, seeing as how we've been through so much together, I thought we had become...well...friends? I think of you as a friend Commander, and I thought you could think of me as..."

"Commander Church, is that you? Are you okay?" someone called through the broken plexiglass. "Who are you talking to? Is there someone with you? Are they okay? Do you need medical attention?"

A human voice! And *so many questions*

"In here! Is that Straywolf? I'm fine, just a bit sunburnt, but nothing that a nice cold shower and suncream won't fix. Comp, say hi"

"Good day, Commander Straywolf, you came just in the nick of time, I think Jake is delirious from the sun"

I looked at the dash again...I think I quite like Comp calling me that, it makes her...seem human?"

"Good to know, Comp, was it?" Replied my rescuer, before turning back to me.

"Well, your ship is wrecked, I hope your insurance is up to date. Shall we?"

Straywolf beckoned for me to join him outside.

"Hold on a moment, while I get Comps chip, we'll need her for diagnostics, to try and pinpoint why the ship dropped like it did."

I crawled under the nav panel, where the ships AI chip was kept, and unplugged Comp.

"Right, ready when you are!"
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