Logbook entry

The Cursed World, part 6.

02 Oct 2022Jacob Church
It was 3 days before the doc let me leave the sickbay, once the epidermic gel treatment had soothed my skin back to health, and the delirium from the heatstroke had cleared. I was getting to a point where I would walk into that damned star if it cleared my nostrils from the scent of antiseptic spray, and I was itching to plug Comp in and find out what *exactly* caused my ship to crash..

When I finally got to the bridge I saw Capt. Alf talking to another commander who looked vaguely familiar.

That weird ships whistle sounded to announce my arrival. I hate that whistle. Even now, I still give a little startled jump when it goes off...it must be the pitch, really gets on my nerves...

The crew all turned to me and started clapping.

"Good to see you back, Jake," said the captain "go anywhere nice? Looks like you caught the sun a bit" he grinned at me.

"Nothing a bit of calamine lotion can't fix" I joked back at him. I turned to the Commander "and thank you for saving my life, if ever I can return the favour, you know where to find me. Hopefully in more shade than the first time" and beckoned the pair into the ready room.

It was there where they explained to me the work they had done to retrieve the wreckage of the ship whilst I was incarcerated in the medbay. It had taken them the best part of those three days to gather the strewn wreckage of the ship from across the crash site and bring it back to base.

"It's stored on pad 11. And 12...and I think there's some more of it in one of the small bays too" Alf laughed.

Afte more thanking Straywolf for saving me, and a shot or two of Lavian Brandy, he departed for his own carrier.

I turned to Alf, holding up the AI chip "right, let's see what we can find out"
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