Logbook entry

The Cursed World, part 7.

05 Oct 2022Jacob Church
"I don't understand, run it again"

"I've run full diagnostics four times already Commander. If there's anything to find, I would have done so by now" Comp snapped "all systems were in full working order. No mechanical or electronic failures at all "

"None? Hm, I wonder if that in itself is unusual..."

"No, it isn't. Just face it Commander, it was an *ID ten T* error code, sometimes it happens...they way you tried to turn it off and on again...needs work."

Jacob stepped away from the console, brows furrowed as he paced the ready room. Yes, all the data recovered showed it was due to pilot error, but he couldn't shake the sensation of being *pulled* down to the surface. It was unlike any other high g landing he'd performed faultlessy many times before, and he had to know *why*...

If it wasn't the ship...
If it wasn't the pilot...
Could it be the planet...?

"Comp, put us in close orbit over A1, I'm going to fit out a cheaper ship with all the scanners I can find...I want to just check something."

"Aye aye Cap'n SIR!" replied Comp
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︎1 Shiny!
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