Logbook entry

The Cursed World, part 8

08 Oct 2022Jacob Church
"Well Commander, sensors show that there were *no* gravitational anomalies that could explain the ships sudden drop *at that time*.

However there are 3 geological sites on A1 that might warrant further investigation" Comp announced.

"Three? Anything particularly interesting about them?" I replied.

"Actually, yes. They all seem to have a higher concentration of iron near the surface than...well, the rest of the planet. I wonder if they're meteor strikes, but with the electromagnetic interference over those sites, I can't tell from here. It looks like we've got to land on or near those GS's and investigate the old fashioned way."

"Eyeballs mk1? Got it."

I admit, I was feeling trepidation at returning to A1. After only a week, I was - physically - fully recovered, but mentally? Nowhere near.
Still, this was a mystery that I *needed* to solve, I hated that the rest of the station commanders in the Azura Bubble just thought I was a bit...well, crap at landing a ships (although, I admit to slapping the landing pads hard, but that's only because I had dodgy controls for a long time before they were repaired, but muscle memory is a thing)

"Coordinates locked for A1, geo site 1, Commander. Let's do this!"
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