Logbook entry

Sothis/Ceos run...

20 Sep 2016Daymien Rogue
All checks and prechecks complete I prepare to launch from Snyder Enterprise in TZ Arietis to the long journey to Sothis. 22 Jumps will fly by without having to fuelscoop. The way back however will be very different...

22min 20.20 seconds arriving at Newholm. A few good mission for cargo delivery. Picked up a few Data deliveries for Ceos and heading out now to Ceos.

About 30 min in Ceos led to some more good cargo delivery missions. Fueled up and ready to head out. 23 Jumps to first of 7 stops. 2 Fuelscoop stops on the way.

Arrived at first stop. Not a bad trip so far.

Second destination was halted by P'knut Haiyed, who decided to interdict me 6 times first within 2ls of station then repeatedly until the last 1 was literally 0.800Mm from the station and about to Safely disengage. Fortunately I was able to get away each time with not even a ding to my shields.

All smooth until 5th stop. An attempted (and failed) interdiction as I was in the process of Disengaging for the station. Disengage process eliminated the interdiction. What idiots out there....

Heading back to home! Made 42.7Mil on this run. Not a bad run!
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