Logbook entry


12 Dec 2023AdmiralTrout
Cmdr Trout, personal log

Finally got out of that shrinks office, she said I passed, I can keep flying. Fine by me. More bounties to collect, more mats to throw at my ships. The Squadron needs me to pull some pressure off with BVs at one of our controlled systems, I'm glad they accepted me in, missed having a reason to kill people. Maybe we will get some combat, then I can stretch my legs. A lot of the members try to include me, showing me places to run missions for components and fed rank, its the most alive I've felt... but I'm pretty sure the shrink thinks I'm a bit nuts, what can I say it takes a certain type of person to want to bounty hunt like I do. it doesn't ever say bring back alive does it? Just wanted, I get the BV when his ship explodes and he perishes. Not saying I enjoy killing people but that sense of power, it's hard to beat, a little chuckle when I get guys in eagles after me.

Oh, I've set myself a new goal, fully engineering my Krait Mk.2, but yikes that missing component list makes me want to fold. Going to ask the Ghosts for assistance locating mass amounts of decent manufactured comps but the sensor stuff and raw is kind of on me. with the grind for fed rank on in sol, I'm hoping to get a fair few mats I can trade for what I need.

Anyone out there have any luck to throw an old Bounty Hunter, I could use it.

(please note none of this is factual, and ive been playing since before engineering was "fair")
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