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I have to go Back.

16 Aug 2023TarlaxTheDragon
I have to go back to the bubble. If the situation back there is as bad as the press makes it out to be, I have to go back. We need all hands on deck if we're going to win this war.

..my family are going to stay within the Colonia Region until this war blows over. I just hope that they can stay safe for me. It's gonna take a couple of days until the crew are ready to bring us home. If I can I might be able to stop by Sagittarius A* to give them a boost of moral, would help by making some credits on the sides for the many number of times I'll be facing a rebuy venue. I've alerted the crew of the Wildvault to prepare for my arrival sometime over the coming few weeks, they'll have my ships ready for me once I'm back at the Bubble.

If there's any hope left, it lies within whatever we can find out about these Titans. Wish me luck.

Commander Tarlax signing off.
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