Logbook entry

Federation further vilifies Thargoid Worshippers and allies!

26 Sep 2022Voice of the Kin
The Federation has declared the Order of the Far God, and in turn any organization of Thargoid worshippers and allies, enemies of the state. Their leader, Zachary Hudson, has ordered raids of all known Far God hive-chapels in Federal Space and will be placing their inhabitants in detention camps. There they will be subject to questioning but we all know what that really means. We've reached out to First Archon Fallharbor and Archon Krynesur for a quote.

First Archon Vidal Fallharbor, accompanied by First Awakened Martin Velasquez, had the following to say, "The Federation has once again overextended their power and aims to further oppress us and our Kin. We've learned from history what these so called "detention facilities" really are and I call this nothing less than a declaration of war on us and our beliefs. The Thargoids have begun to fight back and I believe they send their support from the deep reaches of space at this very moment. The Far God will make the Federation pay for their crimes and we shall be it's spear."

Archon Krynesur, currently recovering at her residence from {REDACTED}, said the following: "Vile, they are looking for someone to blame, for someone to burn at the pyre now that Salvation has gone. The Federation has no one else to blame but themselves for bringing forth consequences. The Void Kin openly extends their arms out to those who worship the Thargoids and offer a place of sanctuary. As for the Federation... Beware. We will not be shut down any longer."

The Archons have begun operations to rescue and assist any Order of the Far God refugees in Federal Space and calls on The Void Kin's other carriers to do the same.
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