Logbook entry

The True Chapters Under Attack!

29 Sep 2022Voice of the Kin
Following Hudson's previous statements, the federation has begun attacking Order of the Far God's True Chapters sympathizers in Popontia! The Workers of Popontia Free had been outfitting fitting the megaship, Dedicant, for the Order's use when federal forces raided and seized the megaship and it's inhabitants. The mysterious, First Apostle of the True Chapters broadcast the following statement from the Testament megaship:

“The Dedicant will be a new home for us to await the Far God’s arrival. We are prepared to die to defend this holy calling. Our recognised patrons in the Workers of Popontia Free will fight to protect us and reward those who aid our cause.”

Following the release of Galnet's article, Hecate's Rest had begun preparatory operations and scheduled jumps toward Popontia. First Archon Fallharbor had the following to say:

"We've never just stood by when needed. As Salvation prepared to fire his Proteus Wave, we fought with Operation Wych Hunt to destroy their forces. Now, as the Federation moves to oppress us and our kin, we shall once again take up arms. I call upon all The Void Kin to come together and support our siblings in the True Chapters and those who help them and let the Federation this can not stand!"

Hecate's Rest shall be stationed in Popontia till further notice. Allies of First Archon Fallharbor and The Void Kin have been given permission to board and use all of the carrier's services.

May The Void guide us all.
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