Logbook entry

Son of a Gun: Chapter 1 "Dreams made of paper thin"

23 Sep 2016Simona Fujimori
23rd September 3302 - Maine Hub, Eravate, Federal Space

Sitting in a rented room while holding a lit cigarette between my lips; I try figuring out the mixed feelings in my heart. On the table, a broken envelope and, next to it, an open letter in paper. Geez, I don't even smoke... and which kind of idiot still uses paper?

"Your father is alive. Travel to Calor, jettison 3 tons of cargo at the Nav Beacon and land 5 km north of the Ziemianski Penal colony if you want to know more."

It slid under my door only a few minutes ago and it's already brought an internal turmoil on me. Plot twist? Perhaps. Where's my lighter? Let the smoke warm you from the inside.

Does it really matter? Official records say he died the day I was rescued. But that slim possibility makes me wonder: is it the natural attachment we humans feel for our parents? Or the thirst for revenge? Damn, maybe it's just seeking the answers I was never given. My head knows is probably a low-life looking for an easy prey. Nothing more than a big fat lie...

... or is it?

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