Logbook entry

This is the end, my dear friend...

14 May 2023Jeff Hawke

We're now at Waypoint 19 from our expedition, two waypoints from the end, a journey which started Sep 24, 3308 (Sep 24, 2022 in RL). Starting from Pallaeni we aim to reach Beagle Point (DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour') on Jul 29, 3309 (Jul 29, 2023 in RL). With an estimated distance of 110,384.25 ly, this is one of the longest journeys in ED. The Distant Legacy Expedition 3308 is an homage to the Distant Worlds expeditions of the past, and a journey made in memory of a cat, Toby. A story that deserves to be shared and shows how ED can be a place where people come together for a cause.

This postcard, from Waypoint 18, which was our last stop before we moved to Waypoint 19, is part of a series I've created during the journey, a collection of images that will make it into a final eBook sharing imagery from the 21 waypoints, and some of its stories.
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