Cmdr Portable Jesus
Rescuer / Explorer
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The Fireflies

Logbook entry

The Crown Jewel

28 Nov 2016Portable Jesus
It's done. It's finally done! After what seemed an indefinite slog through various favors, jobs, and donations, the Federation had seen fit to grant the covetous rank of Rear Admiral upon one very weary pilot. His former pride and joy, the Marathon, a fully kitted Anaconda, was now ready for its final farewell.

After settling the lumbering beast of a ship onto the landing pad at Li Qing Jao station in the beautiful Sol system, the commander known to many simply as "The Pocket Savior", stood and took one last glance around the beloved cockpit which had served him and his crew so well. He gave the bulkheads by the door a nostalgic pat for good luck before exiting the craft for the last time.

He had called ahead to the ground crew, and as soon as the papers were signed, they moved in and began gutting the ship, extracting all the tried and true modules from the hull and placing them into temporary storage. The ship's frame was sold to a close friend who was looking to scale up his trading operation for an agreeable price for both parties, on the terms that the trader provide his own loadouts.

Once that business was wrapped up, the Savior made his way across the interior of the station to a much smaller docking port. How ironic that his first ever purchased ship, a small Sidewinder he had affectionately named Ye Olde Rustbucket was going to provide his transportation to his next destination - a system approximately 40 light years away where he would be purchasing the status symbol of the Federal fleet - a Corvette. He already had a name picked out for it, bad luck and superstition be damned. All that was left was to make the trip, put the money down... and see where it went from there.
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